The development of education, information and sports is saddled with the matters relating to information dissemination, Public enlightenment, Education and Sports on behalf of the Local Government.
As the image maker of the Local Government, going by the name “Education, Information, and Sports”
The department is divided into three units as stated above which is briefly explained as follows:-
(i) Education:- The department supervises primary Education,
Monitoring of infrastructural development of Primary Schools
within the Local Government, Training of Teachers, production of educational materials, Desk and benches etc.

(ii) INFORMATION:- This is handled with high sense of responsibility, how ever, the department liaise with the media houses for the Local Government activities, Creation of websites, Monitor the inflow and outflow of information, the chairman of the Local Government /Public at large printing of handbills/Banners, Anchoring of programmes. We stand as public Relation officers for the Local Government as a whole, Monitors the print and Broadcasting media for the Local Government etc.

(iii) SPORTS:- The department organizes sporting activities for the Local Government which assist in the discovery of new talented youths within the Local Government which eventually will be handed over to the state government for further develop.

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